Programs & Workshops
Fall Programs 2024
Classes will begin the week of August 5th

August - December
Disney Storybook Character Studio Series
4:30-5:30 pm
Follow the adventures of a beloved Disney storybook character and his woodland friends in this one act musical.
This class will focus on the process of what it takes to be a part of a show. We will learn about auditions, stage direction, vocal performance, learning lines and acting techniques as well as learning choreography. The final product will be a costumed stage show with 2 performances at the Fusion Stage.
*Show is tentatively scheduled for the second week in December
Tuition: $400 per semester (4 monthly payments of $100 starting at the time of registration)

All Keyed Up Show Choir (Grades K-5th)
5:30-6:30 pm
Does your child love to sing and dance? Are they natural performers? Would you like to foster
and support that love and talent? Then All Keyed Up Show Choir is for you!
This group will perform at local community events during the semester.
This class is a MUST TAKE for those children who strive to get into our upper level middle and
high school show choirs.No matter what your child’s aspirations, ALL KEYED UP will feed their
desire to sing, dance and perform in a nurturing and FUN group environment!
Tuition: $360 per semester (4 monthly payments of $90 starting at the time of registration)
Max students: 25
Studio Series “Thrive and Shine The Musical” Monday Cast (Grades 4th-7th)
6:30- 8:00 pm
AZACT is excited to have the opportunity to showcase this original work before it is released tothe public.
What do a struggling community center and three misfit kids have in common? The will to thrive
against all odds! Lennon, Anna, and Miguel meet at their community center when they all enroll
in the same comic book class. Lennon struggles to focus but has the gift of imagination, often
living in a dream world. Anna would prefer if she never needed to talk with anyone around her,
and could just be left to write in peace. Miguel wishes he could impress his father by excelling
academically, but only feels truly successful when he draws. When the three come together,
they learn that not all heroes wear capes. As they discover the everyday heroism of community
members, they find their inner heroes and a way to save the day! Join Lennon, Anna, Miguel,
and a host of quirky characters as they work together to Thrive and Shine in this original
This class will focus on the process of what it takes to be a part of a show. We will learn about
auditions, stage direction, vocal performance, learning lines and acting techniques as well as
learning choreography. The final product will be a costumed stage show with 2 performances.
*Show is tentatively scheduled the second week in December
Tuition: $520 per semester (4 monthly payments of $130 starting at the time of registration)
Max students: 25
August - December
Disney Storytelling (Grades K- 3rd)
4:30-5:30 pm
Come join us for a little Disney Dazzle! This popular class will learn to tell a story through movement,music, props and dialogue. This class will focus on following directions, making character connections, exploring creativity and basic song and dance skills. This class will participate in Parent Showcase Night at the Fusion Stage in December.
Tuition: $360 full semester (4 monthly payments of $90 starting at the time of registration)
Max students: 25
Acting Fundamentals (Grades 4th-8th)
5:00 – 6:00 pm
Students will learn to become comfortable in their acting space through improv games. They will learn acting techniques and how to apply them through monologues and short scenes. They will learn how to work as part of a cast.This class will present a one act show at Parent Showcase in December at the Fusion Stage.
Tuition: $360 per semester (4 monthly payments of $90 starting at the time of registration)
Max students: 25
Sondheim Studio Series (Grades 7th-12th)
6:00-7:30 pm
This class will focus on a popular Sondheim one act musical in a retelling of well known characters’ stories.
This class will focus on the process of what it takes to be a part of a show. We will learn about auditions, stage direction, vocal performance, learning lines and acting techniques as well as learning choreography. The final product will be a costumed stage performance at the Fusion Stage.
*Show is tentatively scheduled the second week in December
Tuition: $520 per semester (4 monthly payments of $130 starting at the time of registration)
Max students: 25
August - June

Treble Makers Show Choir** (Grades 5th-9th)
5:00-6:30 pm
Treble Makers is a one-year commitment (Fall and Spring Semesters)
Treble Makers is a show choir open to grades 5th-9th by audition only.
Show Choir Auditions: Thursday, August 1st 6:00-8:00 pm
This is a two-semester (Fall and Spring) commitment class.
This Choir performs in the community and travels in the Spring to perform and compete.
We focus on 2 part harmonies, blending, performance and dance.
This year the group will be traveling to Hollywood/ Los Angeles Ca. the week of June 1st, 2025. Dates and cost to be announced.
Students will room with each other, in a quad room or suite. Parents may join us, but will room
with other adults, or in a single room. Additional cost for double and single rooms.
Approximate costume fees of $150 (Character shoes, hairpiece, costume)
Tuition: $520 for Semester 1 and $650 for Semester 2 (equal payments of $130 for each month August-May for a total of 9 payments equaling $1,170).
*We are offering a discounted price of $1,070 if you pay for the entire year in August!
This is a $100 savings!
Payment will be required if selected as a member of the show choir.
Max students: 25

Select Show Choir** (Grades 9th-12th)
6:30-8:00 pm
Select is a HIGH LEVEL show choir open to grades 9-12 by audition only.
Show Choir Auditions: Thursday, August 1st 6:00-8:00 pm
Focus is on harmonies and dance in a fast paced, high commitment level group.
All community performances and all rehearsals are MANDATORY.
This year the group will be traveling to Nashville Tennessee for AMAZING opportunities in early
June of 2025. Dates and cost to be announced.
Students will room with each other, in a quad room
Parents may join us, but will room with other adults, or in a single room. Additional cost for double and single rooms.
Approximate costume fees of $150 (Character shoes, hairpiece, costume)
Tuition: $520 for Semester 1 and $650 for Semester 2 (equal payments of $130 for each month August-May for a total of 9 payments equaling $1,170).
*We are offering a discounted price of $1,070 if you pay for the entire year in August! This is a $100 savings!
Max students: 25
11011 S. 48th Street
Suite B-101
Phoenix, AZ, 85044
(Use elevator to get to LL)